The Grit Behind Home Renovation

Renovating a home is not for the faint-hearted. It requires more than just a creative vision and a few tools. It demands guts, balls, grit, and determination. As someone who has been through the ups and downs of home renovation, I can attest to the challenges it brings. But I can also affirm the rewarding …
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Effectively Managing Your Renovation Project

Embarking on a renovation project can be incredibly rewarding, but like any endeavour, it requires diligent oversight for a successful outcome. Consider the following recommendations to effectively manage your renovation project: Prioritise Financial Planning Gain a comprehensive understanding of your financial situation and establish a budget for your renovation project. Regardless of whether you’re renovating …
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Picking the Perfect Time for Your Renovation Adventure

Alright, let’s talk about the fantastic world of renovation! It’s like giving a place a whole new personality, creating your own little corner of magic. I call it ‘making your own luck’ – those special tasks that not only boost your property’s value beyond the renovation costs and the initial purchase price, but also act …
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How to get rid of the dreaded fungus gnat on your plants

Fungus gnats. The worst! Those little flying bugs that get on your indoor plants and just hang around. They seem to multiply AND they can jump from plant to plant. So if you have them, it’s not easy to get rid of them…. eeekkk. WHAT ARE FUNGUS GNATS? Fungus gnats are a fruit fly–sized insect pest that primarily …
ادامه ی نوشته How to get rid of the dreaded fungus gnat on your plants

How to get the look you want for less when renovating your kitchen

The kitchen can be one of the most expensive and time consuming areas in the home to renovate. But if you are thinking about starting one, or are right in the middle of creating your dream kitchen these these tips might help you on your way. How to get the look you want for less …
ادامه ی نوشته How to get the look you want for less when renovating your kitchen

Attract good luck, wealth and prosperity with Citrine + Myrrh

Create some good energy within yourself and your home today. Citrine Citrine is considered ideal for boosting self-esteem and creating positive energy in any location. It’s known as the wealth stone. It can boost finances and positive cash flows. Place the stone in the money area of a home as a wealth cure (I have some …
ادامه ی نوشته Attract good luck, wealth and prosperity with Citrine + Myrrh